CDO News

Bingo sa CDO

bingo in cdo ororama jr borja, bingohanDo you know what these are? (Clue: They are not stock market monitors, and there's a nursery rhyme about it.)

Of course you know this... it goes like B-I-N-G-O!!!!

When you like to see veterans, retired employees, elders, or what we call "pensioners" nowadays, you don't have to go to the post office, GSIS, or event the Veterans bank. All you have to do is go to the nearest BINGO house.

bingo in cdo ororama jr borja, bingohan
In here you'll see people of all walks of life talking, concentrating, punching cards while holding a baby in the other hand, and seriously playing, and basically just having a great time playing with chances for a prize money.

I tried playing yeas ago, but I never won, so I guess that's an early retirement for me and the whole BINGO thing. But many people do win.. .so why not take your chances right? We all deserve to have a great time anyways.

Who knows.... this G 48 ball might just be the answer to your prayers.

bingo in cdo ororama jr borja, bingohan, g 49Just make sure you don't get to spend the money you need for something else more important.


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