CDO News

Have A Grape Day in CDO

grapes growing in CDO, cdo green grapes
You probably won't believe this, but I'll say this anyway. What you're seeing are real grapes (katong prutas bah) growing under the unlikely weather of CDO.

This photo was taken in my girlfriends house in J. Pacana St., Puntod, and it's really hot and a lot if trucks (meaning abog) always pass by the area, but there they were.

It's vines are actually hanging or crawling in their HayHayan (clothesline) and they are a bit smaller than the usual. And that means they taste sour and not sweet, but hey... they are grapes.

1 Comment:

andy4pinoy said...

Silingan namo sa Sarat Agusan Puerto naa sila grapes sa ilang nataran.

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