If your an Ukay Ukay shopper, I call it "UkayUkaholic", then you've probably know where this place is. I have four letters for you.... ACCP (in Cogon) .
I'm actually beginning to think it means All Come in Cheap Prices because honestly, they surprisingly do. Here (photo above) you'll see a lot of girls, and a boy, diving for those bundles of cheap bags (P30 at that time) that are all mounted on the floor.
An then the cheaper than cheap ladies and men's shoes....
And yes, every once in a while (like every 30 minutes) , you'll see some guy bringing sacks and sacks of items to be added to the display... and trust me, they do have a Truck, and at least 2 jeepneys full of sacks.

And just to give you an idea some of their items, here's a pair of shoes I unbelievably bought for P 10 only earlier this year.

But of course.. they're a bit worn out.

I guess the hard times really made a lot people lessen there choices on the Quality side in choosing things, and settle for the Price factor.
But just like life.... people sometimes do get lucky and get to buy good items which they can sell for 3 times the price (usually the case), or for personal use.
how can i order?
Pwedi ask kung unsa inyo number
im interested buyer po.bohol area.how much per sack po?
asa ni dapit sa cdo?
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