Do you know where this place is? Here in CDO, we call it "Taiwanese" or little Taiwan in CDO for two reasons. Most sellers here are from Taiwan, and they sell great items (bags, DVD/VCD's, jewelries, clothes, shoes, toys, and a lot more to mention) with greatly affordable prices.
This is how it looks from the top. Little Taiwan is located in front of Hotel Conchita near the other side of Cogon market. (See photo below for reference)
And talking about "Taiwanese", here's one of my favorite stores in Little Taiwan..... The shoes heaven for a lot of people.
They actually sell shoes that belong to the "Class A" imitations, and for a great price which are all entirely negotiable.
here's what I bought for P350 from P390... but trust me, it's not yet the lowest price they can give me for the item.

- Have patience - in looking for a great item, cause sometimes they're hidden, or are the last pair of their stocks.
- Buy More - you actually get to pay a lower cost if you buy two or more of their items. (like a P390 & a P250 shoes can easily be negotiated for P500 for both.. and that's a great deal already).
- Go late - late in the afternoon (around 4pm down), is just the perfect time. It's not that hot and not that dark yet.
- Have a good time - this is what affordable shopping is all about.
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